The one about the Silver Frenzy
It’s the Month Of March, and as the days get longer and the ice gets darker it is exciting and natural to look forward to open water fishing. As a South Dakota Resident, most would think the first fish that comes to my mind during the Spring would be the Walleye. But, not for me! Although I enjoy catching walleyes or any fish for that matter my favorite fish to pursue during the Spring is the Silver Bass! Whities or Silvers as I call them are an aggressive fish that cong r e gate in large schools throughout the year. The Spring is a great time to target these fiesty fish and have fun until your arms are sore. Anglers of all ages and experience levels can enjoy success with multiple hooksets and screaming drags during a Silver Feeding Frenzy. Here are a few tips on how to locate them, stay on them and present to them to get your fishing fix this Spring on some Monst...